Undergraduate Papers
Here are a few recent undergraduate publications (BYU undergraduate coauthors are in all caps):
Network Specialization: A Topological Mechanism for the Emergence of Cluster Synchronization – Webb, B. Z., Walker, E., SELLERS, JORDAN, HANNESSON, ERIK, published in Physica A, 2022
A Simple Stability Criteria for Dynamical Systems with Stochastic Switching and/or Stochastic Time-Delays – Webb, B. Z., Reber, D., Carter, C., MURRI, JACOB, published in Nonlinearity, 2022
Nilpotent polynomials and nilpotent coefficients – DRAPER, THOMAS L., Nielsen, P. P., Ster, J., published in Journal of Algebra, 2022
Prime factors of Phi_3(x) of the same form – HANSEN, CODY S., Nielsen, P. P., published in Integers, 2022A 1-separation formula for the graph Kemeny constant and Braess edges – Kempton, M., FAUGHT, NOLAN, KNUDSON, ADAM, published in Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2022
A general algorithm for calculating the irreducible Brillouin zone – Jorgensen, J. J., CHRISTENSEN, JOHN C., Jarvis, T. J., Hart, G. L., published in Communications in Computational Physics, 2022
Analysis of Normal-Form Algorithms for Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations – Parkinson, S. S., Ringer, H., WALL, KATE, Parkinson, E., ERIKSON, LUKAS, CHRISTENSEN, DANIEL, Jarvis, T. J., published in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022
Mathematical Analysis of Redistricting in Utah – KING, ANNIKA, MURRI, JACOB, Callahan, J., RUSSELL, ADRIENNE, Jarvis, T. J., published in Statistics and Public Policy, 2022
Miura-ori Inspired Smooth Sheet Attachments for Zipper-coupled Tubes – WEBB DYLAN C., REYNOLDS, ELISSA, Halverson, D. M., Howell, L. L. published in Mathematics, 2022
Deployable Space-Filling Mechanisms: Asymmetric Zipper-Coupled Tubes and Smooth Sheet Attachments – WEBB, DYLAN C., REYNOLDS, ELISSA, Halverson, D., Howell, L. L. published in ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2022
Applications of Origami Principles in Deployable Childcare Furniture – Ames, D. C., JONES, JACKSON KADE, MITTELMAN, ALIYA, Halverson, D. M., Bateman, T. C., Magleby, S. P., Howell, L. L., published in ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2022
Using social networks to improve group transition prediction in professional sports – Evans, E. J., Jones, R., LEUNG, JOSEPH, Webb, B. Z., published in 2022
How structural features of a spring-based model of fibrous collagen tissue govern the overall Young’s Modulus – NUEBERT, Evans, E. J., Dallon, J. C. published in Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2022
Strong Gelfand pairs of SL – BARTON, ANDREA, Humphries, S. P. published in Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2022
Utilizing nonequilibrium isotope enrichments to dramatically increase turnover measurement ranges in single biopsy samples from humans – Naylor, B. C., Anderson, C. K., HADFIELD, MARCUS, Parkinson, D., AHLSTROM, AUSTIN, HANNAMANN, AUSTIN, QUILLING, CHAD, CUTLER, KYLE, DENTON, RUSSELL, Adamson, R., Burlett, R., Angel, T., Dallon, J. C., Transtrum, M. K., Hyldahl, R. D., Price, J. C. published in Utilizing nonequilibrium isotope enrichments to dramatically increase turnover measurement ranges in single biopsy samples from humans, 2022
A note on the 4- color theorem – Chahal, J. S., CANIZALES, JENNIFER, published in aequationes mathematicae (online), 2022
Zeros of a family of complex-valued harmonic trinomials – Dorff, M., Brooks, J., HUDSON, ALEXANDRA, PITTS, ERIN, CLAY, WHIFFEN, AMY, WOODALL, published in Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2022
Odd, spoof perfect factorizations – Andersen, N., DURHAM, SPENCER, Griffin, M. J., Hales, J., Jenkins, P., Keck, R., Ko, H., Molnar, G., Moss, E., Nielsen, P. P., NIENDORF, KYLE, Tombs, V., WARNICK, MERRILL, Wu, D. published in Journal of Number Theory, 2022
Fourier decompositions of graphs with symmetries and equitable partitions – Webb, B. Z., Lund, D., DRAPEAU, JOSEPH, published in Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2021
Resistance distance, Kirchhoff index, and Kemeny’s constant in flower graphs – Kempton, M. C., FAUGHT, NOLAN, KNUDSON, ADAM, published in MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2021
Using Survey Data and Mathematical Modeling to Prioritize Water Interventions in Developing Countries – Jarvis, T. J., SAILSBERY, MITCHELL, ROBERTSON, CONNOR, MONCUR, TYLER, COX, JANE, LUND, DARREN, PALMER, KATIE, PETERSEN, KONNOR, CLOUGH, JORDAN, published in Water Resources Management, 2021
The last chapter of Gauss’ Disqusitiones Arithmeticae – Chahal, J. S., ANDERSON, LAURA, Top, J. published in Hardy-Ramanujan J. of Math., 2021
Four color problem – Chahal, J. S., BASSETT, REBEKAH, CANIZALES, JENNIFER, FACKRELL, THOMAS, RICO, VANESSA, published in Resonance, 2021
Methodological reconstruction of historical seismic events from anecdotal accounts of destructive tsunamis: a case study for the great 1852 Banda arc mega-thrust earthquake and tsunami – Ringer, H., Whitehead, J. P., Krometis, J., Harris, R. A., Glatt-Holtz, N., Giddens, S., Ashcraft, C., CARVER, GARRET, ROBERTSON, ADAM, HARWARD, MCKAY, Fullwood, J., Lightheart, K., HILTON, RYAN, AVERY, ASHLEY, KESLER, CODY, Morrise, M., KLIEN, MICHAEL H., published in Journal of Geophysical Research, 2021
Analysis of the Rigid Motion of a Developable Conical Mechanism – Halverson, D. M., WOODLAND, McKELL, HSUNG, MICHELLE, MATHESON, ERIN, Safsten, C. A., Greenwood, J., Howell, L. L., published in Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2020
Strong Gelfand pairs of Symmetric groups – ANDERSON, GRADIN, Humphries, S. P., NICHOLSON, NATHAN, published in Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2020
High order methods for acoustic scattering: Coupling Farfield Expansions ABC with Deferred-Correction methods – Villamizar Gonzalez, V. R., GRUNDVIG, DANE, Rojas, O., Acosta, S., published in Wave Motion, 2020
High order local absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic and elastic scattering – Villamizar, V., Khajah, T., Acosta, S., GRUNDVIG, DANE, Badger, J., Rojas, O., published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020
Rigorous bounds on the heat transport of rotating convection with Ekman pumping – PACHEV, BENJAMIN., Whitehead, Jared P., Fantuzzi, G., Grooms, I., published in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2020
High Order Farfield Expansion ABC coupled with IGA and Finite Differences Applied to Acoustic Multiple Scattering – Villamizar Gonzalez, V. R., Badger, J., Khajah, T., ACOSTA, SEBASTIAN, published in 4th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, 2019
Transfinitely valued Euclidean domains have arbitrary indecomposable order type – Conidis, C. J., Nielsen, Pace P., TOMBS, VANDY, published in 2019
How many ways to color America? – Chahal, Jasbir S., BASSET, REBEKAH, CANIZALES, JENNIFER, FACKRELL, THOMAS, RICO, VANESSA, published in 2019
Zagier duality for level p weakly holomorphic modular forms – Jenkins, Paul M., MOLNAR, GRANT, published in Ramanujan Journal, 2019
Hidden Symmetries in Real and Theoretical Networks – Webb, Benjamin Z., SMITH, DALLAS (2019)
Finding Hidden Structures, Hierarchies, and Cores in Networks via Isospectral Reduction – Webb, Benjamin Z., SMITH, DALLAS, Bunimovich, L., published in Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 2019
General Equitable Decompositions for Graphs with Symmetries – Webb, Benjamin Z., SMITH, DALLAS, Francis, A., published in Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2019
Difference sets disjoint from a subgroup – COURTNEY HOAGLAND, Steven Humphries, NATHAN NICHOLSON, SETH POULSEN, published in Graphs and Combinatorics, 2019.
A Reidemeister type theorem for petal diagrams of knots – LESLIE COLTON, CORY GLOVER, Mark Hughes, SAMANTHA SANDBERG, published in Topology and its Applications, 2019.
An experimental investigation of interfacial instability in separated blood – ALEX HUNTER, DANIEL McCLELLAN Jared Whitehead, published in AIChE Journal, 2019.
Parameterization method for unstable manifolds of standing waves on the line – Blake Barker, JALEN MORGAN, published in SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 2019.
Generalized regular k-point grid generation of the fly – JOHN CHRISTENSEN, Rodney Forcade, PARKER HAMILTON, published in Computational Materials Science, 2019.
Normalized coordinate equations and an energy method for predicting natural curved-fold configurations – JACOB BADGER, Denise Halverson, published in ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2019.
Strong Gelfand pairs of symmetric groups – ANDERSON, GRADIN, Humphries, S. P., NICHOLSON, NATHAN, published in Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2019.
Difference sets disjoint from a subgroup II: order 4p^2 – Steven Humphries, NATHAN NICHOLSON, published in Journal of Combinatorial Theory A, 2019.
A data-driven method for cost-effectiveness analysis to prioritize selection of water interventions in developing countries – JANE COX, Tyler Jarvis, DERREN LUND, TYLER MONCUR, KATIE PALMER, KONNOR PETERSEN, CONNOR ROBERTSON, MITCHEL SAILSBERY, JORDAN SPENCER, published in Water Resources Management, 2019.
Divisibility properties of coefficients of modular functions in genus zero levels – VICTORIA IBA, Paul Jenkins, MERRILL WARNICK, published in Integers, 2019.
An exploration of advanced SLW modeling approaches in comprehensive combustion predictions – JACOB BADGER, Vladimir Soloviev, published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2019.
High order methods for acoustic scattering coupling Farfield expansions ABC with deferred-correction methods – DANE GRUNDVIG, Vianey Villamizar, published in Wave Motion, 2019.
On zero-sector decreasing operators – David Cardon, EVAN SORENSON, published in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, 2018.
Congruences for coefficients of level 2 modular functions with poles at 0 – Paul Jenkins, RYAN KECK, published in Archiv der Mathematik, 2018.
Fast link prediction on large networks with spectral embedding – BENJAMIN PAHCEV, Benjamin Webb, published in Journal of Complex Networks, 2017.
Local high order absorbing boundary conditions in terms of Farfield expansions – BLAKE DASTRUP, Vianey Villamizar, published in Journal of Computational Physics, 2017.