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Why Do Research?

The Mathematics Department is one of the top math departments in the nation for undergraduate mentored research. CURM, a national organization dedicated to assisting university math departments in undergraduate research, was founded here (see CURM home page). In recent years, hundreds of students have participated in undergraduate research mentoring.

Undergraduate students can pursue research in various exciting topics. Many of these undergraduate research projects have led to publication and an opportunity to travel and present at various conferences. A list of a few recent publications by BYU undergraduates can be found here.

Why Undergraduate Research?

  • Provide out-of-classroom learning experiences and apply class room knowledge to solve new problems.
  • Develop and foster an analytical approach to doing research
  • Gain motivation and create new knowledge
  • Excellent experience and preparation for graduate school
  • Develop oral and written communication skills
  • Promote interactions with faculty and graduate students
  • Make better informed decisions about your future career

Funding for Undergraduate Research

Pay: $14/hr — Students can work up to 20 hrs/week. To apply, please talk to a professor you are interested in working with. See below for a summary of projects professors are working on with students. Contact info for professors can be found here.